Aiplux Technology - Helping Taiwanese brands to go global

Since its establishment in March 2019, AIPLUX® has won a number of startup awards in Taiwan, Japan, France and Luxembourg, including the “Top IP Start- ups Award” by IPR organization in the US, and the first prize of Innovation Ecosystem Category of High Level Forum (HLF) in Grenoble, the Silicon Valley of France.

AIPLUX® focuses on introducing IT & AI technology into IP services. Combining patented technology with industrial experience, the startup platformize trademark and patent registration service.

Currently, the company’s best-known product is LOFATM, a multinational trademark application platform with tools like application conversion system for different countries. The platform has the highest market share of trademark applications among all legal tech providers in Taiwan.

In addition to allowing SMEs and startups to obtain trademark protections easily, micro-entrepreneurs such as local gyms, hairdressers, catering stores and even night market vendors can all franchise their business or conduct brand authorization through the LOFA TM platform.

AIPLUX® is composed of a group of enthusiastic IP veterans, a tech-savvy team from Academia Sinica, and UX experts. The company provides entrepreneurs and SMEs with a platform to make cross-border IP protections more accessible and transparent. The startup looks to eventually disturb the IP ecosystem with its novel online services.


In practice, IP applications requires considerable professional manpower and paperwork. Further, associative knowledges are required to provide IP services to different industries.

AIPLUX® has built its own IP database. With the database, LOFATMplatform can optimize user experience and provide exclusive recommendation for each industry. The platform also helps trademark applicants evaluate and understand the risk of rejection before applying. Trough that, the application approval rate is increased, meanwhile process time, repeated applications, and the costs are saved.

Aside from applications, the IP management platform of AIPLUX® can greatly reduce the trifle and manpower required to maintain these intangible assets, and at the same time reduces human error like missed payments. Once an IP application is filed or registered, it will be added the applicant’s account and be managed along all other IPs digitally, providing a full automation on IP management.

AIPLUX® use automation and AI algorithm to gradually replace the tedious paperwork and improve the efficiency of IP registrations. With all the time and cost saved for creators, inventors, and IP practitioners, there can be more profits and possibilities created for the society.


As the pandemic has deeply changed the ecosystem of the service industry, there will be spiked demand for intangible assets integrated with digital assets. For the Internet era, industries are looking to integrate data from the market and the intellectual properties, to fulfill the expectations of clients.

In the future, AIPLUX® will focus more on the digitization of intangible assets and introduce different RegTech applications to provide a full range of IP integrated services. Adhering to the philosophy of “Helping Taiwanese brands to go global”, the founder said AIPLUX® will accelerate to operate the platform internationally and invest more in ASEAN and the north American markets to provide solutions for more business scenarios, and help more SMEs take their first step to the international market.


About Business Startup Award

In order to create a premium entrepreneur environment and shaping Taiwan into an entrepreneurship society, The Ministry of Economic Affairs Small and Medium Enterprise Administration held the "Entrepreneurship Business Award" Selection, to encourage start-up team to indulge in the development of entrepreneurship with premium business models, establishing a paradigm and enhancing start-up methodology and revitalizing the economy.

Organizer: The Ministry of Economic Affairs Small and Medium Enterprise Administration

Aiplux Technology Co., Ltd.


AIPLUX® is composed of a group of enthusiastic IP veterans, a tech-savvy team from Academia Sinica, and UX experts. The company provides entrepreneurs and SMEs with a platform to make cross-border IP protections more accessible and transparent. The startup looks to eventually disturb the IP ecosystem with its novel online services.



T . 886-2-7709-9960
A . 18F,No.206,Sec.1,Keelung Rd.,Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 100,Taiwan
W .


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